Bruton Cycling Club AGM minutes 25/1/2025

Apologies – JF, BS, SE, GH, PL, DC, NF, AS, SW, JH, AK, MM, DB

Present – LL, TW, KL, AF, PC, HW, NG, SI, PT, JM, JY, RH, RA, AC, MD, PB

Great thanks to Keith and Jane Lunn for kindly hosting the AGM again this year.

Each point is listed by ITEM then Outcome then Action

1.     MINUTES from last AGM

Reviewed and majority of action points were done during 2024. Successful First Aid course and 10yr anniversary party sponsored by club. Didn’t manage to arrange further gravel rides or Velodrome trip in 2024

Outstanding items from Mintues 2024 moved to today’s agenda for further discussion

2.     Accounts

Subs income 2024 = £1040 (2023 = £785) - Agreement for subs to remain at £20 for 18-74yr olds

Sponsorship £600 (£200 each Bean Shot, Xpressofix, Yellowbox), Kit sales = £258 but £210 outlay on arm warmers.

First Aid course £413.91, 10yr Party £1020.35 (thanks to Paul Briggs for paying half the DJ costs), ongoing costs Website host/domain` around £200/annum.

Club in credit £1151.28

Attendees informed of financial situation of accounts.

 LL to message members for 2025 Subs payment

3.     Sponsorship

Bean Shot and Yellowbox to be approached to ask if willing to continue with sponsorship under same terms for £200/annum. Rob A (Xpressofix) agreed at meeting that he’d be willing to continue with sponsorship, requesting increased Xpressofix visibility on marketing, website etc.

LL to email/invoice companies willing to continue with sponsorship.

4.     Kit Shop

Thanks to Rosie H for ongoing management of the kit shop, with diligence and patience.

There are arm warmers, caps and buffs for sale

Rosie H continues to run the kit shop, opening several times a year. Likely to be another opening of kit shop soon for black kit items only.

RH to open kit shop soon for black kit, and again in the year if needed.

5.     Weekend Rides

Saturday – Seem to be working well at present, pack staying relatively together to the café, splitting into pace groups on return at times. Continue for now

Sunday – less riders participate, many put off by the pace and feeling like they don’t want to make other’s wait, some personality issues ongoing.

LL to keep posting rides, will ask for deputies when away.

6.     MWP

Growing in numbers, good trip last year and another planned for 2025 – Yorkshire 26-30th May, other riders welcome but will need to arrange own accommodation.


7.     Chaingang

Wasn’t so cohesive in last year. Riders attending need to commit to a Fast Group Ride – this is NOT fight club, group needs to back off if pack is splitting.

Running up to Chaingang starting in Late May, Jo H has kindly set up some Rouvy “races” so they don’t need a leader for Thursday Evenings in February.

TW to let the group know when Chaingang recommencing – likely last week in May

8.     Gravel Rides

After a successful gravel ride in Summer 23, LL and RA didn’t manage to organise another for 2024. In the room good level of interest for further Saturday Gravel ride, RA and LL to liaise on possible routes and dates for 1-2 rides over summer and early autumn.

RA and LL to liaise and offer up dates/routes

9.     Socials

When chaingang restarts there’s a natural momentum to meet after the ride at The George in Castle Cary around 7-7.15pm, open to those who’ve not ridden too.

Late Summer BBQ for 2025 proposed, LL/TW, RA and KL all offered to host, Club could contribute £100-£200 towards some of the meat/drinks. Keith Lunn’s likely to be preferred location – Bruton

Christmas Party 24 worked well in Blue Ball – similar for 2025 likely

Paul Briggs to remain as social secretary – thanks from the club for all you’ve done over the last few years.

KL to liaise with PB and LL re feasible dates for Late Summer BBQ

10.  Events

Newport Velodrome outing – AC happy to organise, enough members showed interest at AGM, with proposal to go for basic 1hr package for £250 for 10 riders. Aiming for ? Saturday afternoon in Sept or Oct, unless an evening visit can be mutually arranged. It was mentioned that Jo H or partner may have track qualifications to act as coach – LL to inquire.

AC to propose some dates and firm up interested members for outing.

LL to approach JH re track qualifications

11.  UK & Oversees trips

4-8th July 25 – PT has a house in northern France for stages 1,2,3 of TdF – spaces available, DM Peter Tubb if you’d like to go along.

12-19th July 25 – last yr posts on BCC gained interest from 10 riders to do a trip to French Alps. Currently the AirBnB in Bourg d’Oisons sleeping 11 is full. If others wanted to come on the trip they would need to organise their own accommodation. Various members have discussed sharing the journey down.

Approach Peter Tubb if you’d like to go on the early July TdF trip.

Approach LL if you have any queries re Alps trip

12.  Riding guidance (DC)

Proposed by Dave Clarke and presented in his absence by Peter Tubb – Rule 66 Highway code states “be considerate of the needs of other road users when riding in groups. You can ride two abreast and it can be safer to do so, particularly in larger groups or when accompanying children or less experienced riders. Be aware of drivers behind you and allow them to overtake (for example, by moving into single file or stopping) when you feel it is safe to let them do so”

When there’s white lines in the middle of the road it’s likely to be wide enough for 2 a breast riding, if there are MORE than 8 riders, split into 2 groups on the road to allow cars and other road users to pass more easily. If safe to remain 2 a breast while vehicle passing fine to do so as easier for car to pass 2 x 4 riders, than 1 x 8 riders in long line.

 Ride leaders please ensure if you’re in a group of 8 or more, encourage group to split into 2 blocks.


13.  Bidons

Discussion around Club Bidons – some interest in room, RA and LL would plan design and procurement and could store Bidons awaiting sale. Minimum order would be 50 bottles, proposal for 1 colour only to keep costs down. QR code to club website built into design

RA and LL to liaise re company, design and procurement

14.  Austin’s Posters

Austin Fews has developed some excellent comedic marketing posters for the club after a request from PC. Membership to be asked if they’re happy to appear on posters, then add sponsor details (if remaining as club sponsor) and QR code link for website.

RA happy to distribute posters in Castle Cary area once finalized.

AF to further tweak design

LL to send sponsor images (once sponsors confirmed)

All members to send original photos if they own them

15.  BCC Instagram

LL approached Sam Burgess on line as did another club member to see if we could gain ownership of the Bruton Cycling Club Instagram account – no response. LL will try again to make contact and if no luck we’ll make a new BCC Instagram account to link to our website/facebook

LL to approach Sam Burgess again