Langport and bust....
A goodly crowd gathered at the Chapel this Saturday past, 11 rode out to Langport into a chilly 20mph headwind on the reverse chaingang route. Glad to get to the sheltered lanes beyond Somerton and onto the base of Ham - where the group split; hard as nails up the hill to High Ham, the more laid back through Low Ham with all meeting up again at the Bridge Canteen and Cafe. Those who hadn’t been before liked the wares on offer, and the speedy service. The group split again for a variety of routes home, with several of us traversing the increasing flood at the Bridgehampton end of the Yeovilton Runway - now about a foot deep with several cars stranded within it - us BCC - we’re either mad, or Badass, or probably a bit of both.
Saturday evening brought revelry in the form of the BCC Christmas Party - a massive debt of gratitude is owed to Mr PT and Stella for giving up their home, devising the quiz, planning and playing live music, and organising us all to provide the food and drink required for an excellent evening. Mr PC even made a cameo appearance. And all wore their slippers!
Sunday morning and 4 met at 9am on Church Bridge - Mr TW shot off in the direction of the Mendips with Mr CP, Trims and Mr DC all sharing the lead. Up Stickleball, over to Wells via a circuitous route (or Lost to the rest of us….) then up the Old Bristol Road. Here Mr DC whimped out by deliberately breaking off the rear mech, and rolled back to the hill for retrieval by car from town. The brave 3 pressed on, up to the freezing rain in Priddy, missed the turn for Glider Hill, came down off the Somerset Alps somewhat colder and wetter, and headed back in the direction of Bruton. By Stickleball, Mr TW was feeling as broken as Mr DC’s rear mech, and had to get a tow home from Trims and Mr CP. Whilst all this was going on Mr PC and Mr SC had a leisurely 11am meet on the bridge for their run down to Hardy’s monument and back, and Dr L and Mr LT had quick solo afternoon spins - the lateness of their rides having nothing of course to do with the night before!